Online Registration For The 8 Session MSC Course:

Thank you for your interest in Mindful Self-Compassion. Please provide the following background information to help you determine if the MSC course will be helpful to you at this time and so that your facilitators can support you during the program. This information will only be read by the course instructors and will inform them during the course.

As we aim to build community and establish a safe container for our time together, participants will be asked to provide some personal information when they register for this course to help teachers determine their safety and readiness for this kind of emotional work. MSC is a compassion skills training program, not group therapy. This program is designed to teach participants the tools needed to develop and cultivate a mindfulness and self-compassion practices.

Registration Information:

  • Attendance: If you think you may need to miss more than two or three classes during the dates listed above, we encourage you to register for a future course.

  • You do not need to have any previous meditation experience.

  • The MSC Course includes 8 weekly sessions of 2.5 hours each, in addition to a 3 to 4 hour guided mini retreat on a Saturday about half way through the course. This experiential class includes meditations, short talks, exercises, full and small group discussions, mindful movement, journaling/reflection, and home practice. The goal of the program is for participants to directly experience self-compassion and learn practices that evoke self-compassion in daily life. We invite all participants to set intentions, as circumstances allow, to attend all sessions and to include some daily practice for the skills learned throughout the program.

  • Everyone is welcome, including people of all backgrounds and identities. No previous experience with mindfulness or meditation is required to attend MSC.

Before or after completing your registration please complete the wavier here: