Hi. It’s Becky here.
I have a link on my website for parents/caregivers to send this note to you.
Being in your shoes can feel lonely at times. I wrote this with my teenage self in mind. Not everything will apply to you and it may not be your story, perhaps you can relate to one thing.
The thought of talking with a stranger/therapist about personal stuff feels weird and it makes you wonder, “why would I sign up for that?". It’s just strange. Understandable. I do like to help people talk about feelings and things that can feel awkward at times. Actually, a big reason I created this space was with the intention that we can let ourselves just be ourselves and not be judged for that.
You could feel really sensitive and affected by people around you. It sometimes makes you want to hide in a corner or run out of the room.
You might even feel “ok" and you have your friends to help you. Yet you still feel lonely and sometimes you pretend that everything is fine because if people really knew what you were thinking or how you felt, you could worry them. The last thing you want is to freak them out or to even think that maybe they don't care.
Maybe you feel misunderstood sometimes. Someone keeps asking you “what’s wrong?” Perhaps people are asking you questions that you don't have answers to like “what you are going to do when you graduate high school or college?”. The thought of thinking you have to pick a career can be daunting.
You pull out your phone. Your parents tell you that you are always on your phone. It becomes annoying and leads you to shutting down.
Perhaps stuff at school, teachers, friendships, relationships, sports and family are bugging you. You can feel like you have so much going on that your head is going to explode.
What if you told a close friend about something that felt super embarrassing and then you felt like crap because you wanted to take it back? You thought about it all night. So much in fact, that your homework never got done.
Sometimes you might think that social media is stupid, yet you go on so often that it can feel confusing.
We won’t interrogate, lecture, or try to talk you out of how you feel. We will work to understand and be your head-heart-mind coach.
If you decide you want to come in for a session, we will work to get to know you.
Do you like music or creative writing? This has been a favorite on my playlist lately, Miracles by Cold Play & Big Sean. What app or game are loving right now? Do you have a YouTube channel you follow? What brings you moments of joy?